The first phase of the history of the Christian movement is divided into four
parts. The first is the time of the Apostles (hawariyun)-they are the closest disciples
urid Christ-which spread to all corners of the world to spread the teachings of
Christ. This phase is run in conjunction with Paul's death in Rome in the early
sixties of the first century. Paul was among those who died at the hands of the
emperor Nero burned Rome then impute to Christians.
The second phase is called the phase of the pastors began when Christian churches spread rapidly throughout the Roman empire. But the spread was irregular.
The third phase began in the late second century when Christian congregations divided into clergy and members. Even the church was broken from the inside, there are some groups who broke away for refusing institutions priests then formed behind the movements, especially in Egypt, the Levant and Anatolia.
The fourth phase began in the second half of the fourth century, when Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman empire. At that time the Roman power expanded to include the entire region. Here the church turned into a regular institution, and use of state power to destroy churches who disagree. In addition can also affect political life even control.
Now it seems obvious to us from the last archaeological discoveries at Nag Hammed-especially-that there exists a scattered writings of the Christians at the beginning of the Christian era, but then disappeared altogether. Early Christian congregations were not organized neatly. They do not have a leader or a pastor who led the church service or to determine how interpreting sacred texts and practice it. Instead, each of them, both men and women-the right to deliver the sermon at the church as well as the right to assemble and to interpret the Christian dogma. From here arises the many groups at that time.
In the first phase of the Christian movement, the stage at which the disciples Christ to spread propaganda,
Christian congregations of the newly formed mixed groups. It all took part in the ritual of worship without distinction. In this phase, also no priest.
But because there are some rituals of worship that require a guide or leader as the procession baptism by water, and the celebration of the Easter celebration usually matters resurrection were perpetrated by members of the old church. In conjunction with the passage of time, the priests changed their role in the church to be the role of leader. In addition, they also asserted their authority in the interpretation of sacred texts-and even add to it-and eventually forbid all members of the congregation to get out of their teachings or different interpretation. Then, from the mid-second century AD the priests began to launch their criticisms to people who have a different opinion. They are given a choice: obey the teachings of the church or leave it.
From here arises a major schism in the body of Christian churches persecuted by the Romans at the time. The priest was immediately determine what needs to be received by the members and announced the decree to be promulgated by the testimony of every Christian to be accepted into the Orthodox Church (following the right path) and Catholic (i.e. universal). However, there are some Christians who refuse editorial testimony, especially churches in Egypt. Even these churches do not recognize the authority of the pastor. According to their authority obtained by robbing. At that time, the pastor announced that all those who reject their power in heretical groups and deviated from the true orthodox way.
In this case, Bishop Irena us, pastor of Lyon was the first to publish a book which consists of five volumes in the year 189 AD In it he attacks groups repellent power of the clergy. After that he was called on to eliminate everything that is called ma'rifat (knowledge). In the preamble he mention that the reason of writing this is: "to explain the opinions of the people which currently teaches heresy ... also to show that their statements with contradictory facts, but does not make sense ... I that doing this you will all encourage those who you adulterous people to avoid infidelity and madness this kind. "
Irena us further mentions that among the false books is the Gospel Itself found a manuscript in the library of Nag Hamada. Fifty years later Hypholitus - a teacher at Rome-published a book called blame-group of heretics to uncover falsehoods heretics (heretics maker). To explain what is considered right and what is considered to be heretics, they first define dogmas which they consider false and made-kaedah kaedah correct thinking.
Since then the name Arriving (people who understand) used to express the people coming out of the teachings of the priests due to seek knowledge. Only, the knowledge in question here is not knowledge or sensory ratio, but is a kind of spiritual vision which aims to find a way to recognize the divine spirit self. Knowledge of self for the Arriving is the way to know God, where the soul of man they say is part of the divine spirit.
Arifin group is different from the bishops in some pretty basic side. While the priests say that Jesus is the Son of God who has a different character with another human nature, the Gospel Tomas said that anyone who can get the actual knowledge will be are like Jesus.
Jesus said (to Thomas): "I'm not your master, because you had been drinking, ... each person to drink from my mouth will become like me, will is revealed to him everything which hidden. '
In the writings of Nag Hamada, Jesus never talked about mistakes and forgiveness to his students, as was done by priests. In contrast, spoken of by Jesus is a matter of ignorance and knowledge. perfection according to the Arifin will come when the people have recognized the nature of his soul, and knowing that it is the eternal soul and not the body that they perceive as temporary clothing. Thus, the resurrection of Christ from the dead is not physical but spiritual. In the writings Arifin no one thing that shows that Christ physically meet with his students. Instead they encounter is a spiritual experience.
When the emperor Konstantin embraced Christianity in the first half of the fourth century AD, the new religion became the official state religion. Simultaneously, the priests who formerly persecuted patinas turn into leaders who issue orders to them. At that time the priests used their new powers to eliminate groups that are not in line with their teachings. To that end, they issued an order to proscribe books deviate then burn, being considered a crime holdings obtain legal sanctions. In this case the library of Alexandria was one of the agencies that were burned by order of Roman priests in the second half of the fourth century, the hidden time-binding binding Nag Hamady in southern Egypt. The Egyptian monks living in the monastery Santo Bakhumis in the Nag Hamady know the level of danger that threatens them and books this. They do not want if the books are engulfed in flames. So the books that they were stored in a large barrel come they hide amongst the graves of their ancestors.
When the Jurist of the Arifin reject the authority of the priests because they do not rely on the teachings of Christ or his first disciples, the Roman church spread fiction Yany said that St. Peter after disappearing from Jerusalem in the mid-first century, he went to Rome and gave a mandate to the pastor to be representative of Jesus on earth. This story first appeared in the second century in the form of mythological stories. But it soon turned into a major part of the history of the church of Rome. In this modern age of twenty-century-Vatican digging beneath the main house in Rome and not long after it came out it was the announcement that the excavations have discovered the bones of St. Peter. Regardless of whether or not these events, the priests managed to exploit this situation to their advantage. In medieval times they even outrageous in using the license by issuing coupons forgiveness in the name of Jesus.
The strategy of the bishop of Rome successfully kill all the different posts with their teachings. This situation continues to survive in a very long time span. New stops when the discovery library Coptic Nag Hamady in southern Egypt half a century ago. So for 19 centuries there was no information about the early Christian churches that have become extinct than those derived from the writings of the bishops. But the discovery of the Nag Hamady library that has paved the way to know the beliefs of Christians scattered throughout the first two centuries AD.