Nifaq there are two kinds. Nifaq Amali and nifaq i'tiqadi (faith). Those hypocrites (i'tiqadi) is the person who revealed himself as a believer, but actually harbored disbelief and hatred towards Islam in the heart. People were very dangerous hypocrite, so various vices and condemnation of God upon them contained in various letters. There's even a special letter, Surat Al-Munaafiquun.

Them in the Hereafter will be located at the bottom level in Hell, as Allah says, which means: "Verily those hypocrites were (placed) on the lower level of Hell. And you never will get a helper for them. " (An-Nisaa ': 145).Disaster they inflicted on the Muslims more than the disaster inflicted by the infidels. Then God said about munafiqin, which means: "They are the real enemy, so beware of them." (Al-Munaafiquun: 4).They hang out together in the township, at home, morning and afternoon, and they leaked secrets to the enemy, lurking to find a weak point, but we can not deal with them through a frontal battle. In the meantime, hang out with them will only lead to shame, love them will provoke God's anger, and even be dragged to hell. (See Muhammad bin Sa'id bin Salim Al-Qahthani, Al-Wala 'Wal Bara' fil Islam, Muslim translates into loyalty to the Islamic Aqeedah Salaf-understanding, Ramadhani, Solo, third impression, 1994, pages 144-145).Dangers MunafiqinMunafiqin actions as the greatest enemy of Islam is obviously very dangerous.

Munafiqin action the most dangerous is their collusion with the Jews and the Christians for attacking Islam. Munafiqin rotten behavior has been dismantled directly by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in several passages, among them, which means: "Have you not seen those who make a people whom God's wrath as a friend? Those people are not from among you, and nor from them., and they vowed to strengthen the lie, knowingly. " (Al-Mujadilah: 14).
As-Suddy and Muqatil said: "This verse down concerns itself Abdullah bin Ubay bin Abdullah bin Salul and Nabtal, two hypocrites. One of the two sitting with the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, and he reported his speech to the people Jewish. (Al-Wala ', p 148).
Munafiqin worst trait is refusing berhakim the Shari'ah of God, but berhakim to taghout. (See Surah An-Nisaa '60-63, An-Nur: 47-50). Evil is the person who is always hostile to the Prophet and the Muslims. Also people who establish laws by fraudulently lust. And the idols were included taghout.
The nature and attitude munafiqin was contrary to the attitude of the believers: "The response of the believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger that the Apostle adjudicate between them is saying:" We hear and we obey. "And they are the lucky person. " (An-Nur: 51).
People munafiqin undermine the Muslim ranks and became a spy infidels. Allah says, which means: "Those who told his brothers and they do not engage in war: 'If they want to follow us, they would not get killed." Say: "Avert death from yourselves, if you are the people who true. "(Ali Imran: 168).Upheavals that occurred in the ranks of the Muslims mengangetkan when the Battle of Uhud (3 H), since one-third (300 people) withdrew from the Muslim troop 1000 people. The troops withdrew (300 people) was led by Abdullah ibn Ubay bin Salul. Though the number of the enemy, Quraish infidels 3,000 people led by Khalid bin Walid war candidate who still disbelieve.Similarly munafiqin refusal to join in the battle of Tabuk (9H, major war between the Muslim Prophet led 30,000 men against the Byzantine Christians) and the reluctance of other-aversion. Allah describes wala '(loyalty) them against infidels, which means: "Tell My people hypocrites that they will get a painful chastisement, (that) those who take disbelievers became friends helper by leaving the believers. Did they look for power at their hands? Thus virtually all power belongs to Allah. " (An-Nisa ': 138-139).Much different between the Faithful and Munafiqin
In the war of Ahzab or Khandaq war (5H, fellowship pagan Arab tribes and Muslims fight the Jews and the siege of Medina) looked real differences in attitudes between the Faithful and Munafiqin.
Faithful people say as dikisah out by Allaah, which means: "And when the believers saw the allied factions, they said:" This is what God has promised and His Messenger (ie victory after having difficulty) to us. "And it is true God and His Messenger. And so it does not add to them except faith and submission." (Al-Ahzaab: 22).

As for their state munafiqin told by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, which means: "And (remember) when people are hypocrites and people who are diseased in his heart said:" Allah and His Messenger did not promise us but deceptive power ". (Al-Ahzaab: 12).
Much different attitude was also revealed in the battle of Tabuk (9H war between the Muslim leadership of the Messenger of 30,000 people against the Christian Byzantine).
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says about the hypocrites experts, which means: "Those who were left (not present) was very happy with their lives behind the Messenger of Allah, and they do not like jihad with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way." (At-Tawbah: 81).
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says concerning those who believe, it means: "... Jihad with their wealth and themselves." (At-Tawbah: 88).

Al-Quran dismantle ugliness munafiqinAllah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala unload munafiqin ugliness, even letters Surat At-Tawbah called Al-Fadhihah (unpack ugliness) of munafiqin. Vices munafiqin them;

Did not join the jihad, they are more mementing the world (see At-Tawbah: 86-87).
Pitting, anger, and slander (see At-Tawbah: 47-48).
Denouncing the Messenger system in the division of property, they are willing and angry depending interests of their world. (See At-Tawbah: 58).
Hurting the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam (see At-Tawbah: 61).
Apologize or contentment of Allah with perjury (see At-Tawbah: 62).
Ordered to prevent indecent behavior and kindness, as well as stingy berinfaq in the way of Allah. (See At-Tawbah: 67).
A promise (see At-Tawbah: 75-77).
And denounced smirked Faithful in all things (see At-Tawbah: 79).
Looking berinfaq was a form of disadvantage, and they are waiting for the arrival of the distress the faithful. (See At-Tawbah: 98).
Arrival of Al-Quran only adds to their disbelief. (See At-Tawbah: 124-125).
Turned and ran from the truth. (See At-Tawbah: 127).

Methods face Munafiqin

God commands jihad and be hard on them.
"O Prophet, strive (against) unbelievers and those hypocrites, and be hard at against them. Their place is Hell., And that's the best place to be at worst. (At-Tawbah: 73).
God commands not being gentle with munafiqin even ordered jihad against them and be harsh against them. Meanwhile Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded respect for being soft and mukminin.Sungguh God has said, which means:
"And humble yourselves against those who follow, those who believe." (Ash-Syu'araa ': 215).
Do not ask for forgiveness to munafiqin. Because they are not entitled to requested forgiveness. (See At-Tawbah: 80, Al-Munaafiquun: 6).
Meanwhile, Allah commanded the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam (and believers) ask for forgiveness for the believers were right. (See Surah Muhammad: 19, and Al-Mumtahanah: 12).
God forbid the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam (and the Faithful) menshalati body hypocrites, and prohibit standing (pray for) in his grave (see at-Tawbah: 84).
God forbid the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam (and believers) to join the war and prohibits munafiqin allow them fight. (See At-Tawbah: 82)

Manhaj Islam is waging jihad spirit to believers in general. Allah says, which means: "So fight ye the way of Allah, you are not burdened with the obligation but your own. Kobarkanlah spirit of the believers (to fight). Hopefully God reject attacks those who disbelieve. Allah is great strength and very strict in punishment (His). (An-Nisaa ': 84).

Decisive difference between the methodology of the faithful and the methodology of the munafiqin because the properties and behavior of the two is obviously much different. So Islam expressly membedaka-nnya in addressing the believers on the one hand and on the other munafq. Should not be conflated

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